On Friday night after the show we went to the Pool with Q and John. The boys were thrilled to find baby Spencer already in the hot tub with his Grandma and Grandpa who were visting. We all had a lot of fun playing with Spencer. Spencer apparently was having a lot of fun to because when his mommy and daddy took him out he demanded to go back to the pool. The boys were really happy when Rhiannon and Brendan joined the hot tub party. They love their leading lady! Since we have been here since Wednesday, Mikey is now best friends with most of the waitresses in the I-Hop across the street. On Saturday, we got to do some shopping in Wal-mart. The hotel was kind enough to allow the shuttle to take us there and back. We are having a lot of fun with Secret Santa. The show last night was great and we think the ghost returned for a brief moment when the set staircase wouldn't budge for a scene change. We were really wondering how the cast would handle it since a lot of Consider Yourself takes place on the stairs. Bart saved the day donning Chaz's costume to fix the problem; with the cast dancing and singing all around him the audience did not realize there was a problem. The boys are beginning to get spoked by the ghost and are a little jittery in the dressing room. They keep hearing noises and seeing curtains move. Of course Zac (Fagin) got them good yesterday and Chris said he never heard such a high pitched scream as Mikey's and that Colin and Q almost jumped into each others arms (LOL) Today we were happy to be woken up by Maria and Daddy's phone call. There is a two hour time difference. Maria's cough is all better and they are on there way to the Children's Christmas party at Daddy's work. She was excited that she may see Santa. Mikey is really excited about going home for Christmas and his birthday. I am counting the days until I can hold my baby girl again. Today is a beautiful day here in Colorado. It feels about 50 and the snow is starting to melt. We enjoyed breakfast with Q and John at I-Hop and Mikey and I are relaxing, reading our books until bus call at 1pm. That is all for now...................Love, Sue and Mikey
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