Hello from my hotel room in Jacksonville. Maria is still sick and I have been staying with her 24/7. Mike took Mikey, Colin, John and Quentin to the movies last night without us. They went to see Coraline in 3D. They all loved it. Last night was another tough night with poor Maria coughing all night. We were supposed to take her to see the 10am show today and had fifth row dead center seats. Unfortunately, she was too sick to go. I felt so bad for her because she was looking forward to seeing the show again. She really likes "As Long As He Needs Me." She perked up a little this afternoon so we went to Apple Bees for lunch. I thought getting out of the room and into the Florida sunshine would be good for her. Turns out it was not a good idea. The cough made her feel like she had to throw up and she would keep wanting to go into the bathroom or sleep on my lap. She is sleeping now peacefully and I hope she feels better since her and Mike travel back to NY tomorrow. He will be bringing her to the doctor first thing. Today when the cast got on the bus for the morning show they discovered the bus was ransacked and Mikey's DS and all his games were stolen. Colin had money taken out of his wallet and everyones stuff was opened and thrown around. They threw the ALL liquid detergent from an over head bin and the cap broke and the sticky liquid spilt on my seat and floor area. I am really hoping it is not in my boots. I am out the point that I can't wait to leave Jacksonville....it is starting to feel like Jinxville to me. I had such high hopes for the good time we would have here. Mike and Mikey are at the evening show and I have to start packing for the long ride tomorrow. Everyone pray that my little angel feels better soon.