Today was a dream come true for me. I only wish Mike and Maria were with us to share this truly awesome or as the kids would say....GI-NORMOUS experience! Thanks to our fantastic tour manager (Clare) the cast went to see Mt. Rushmore today. We were really worried last night because it was snowing and we were not sure if we would be able to go today. However, we woke up to bright sunshine and and the weather was perfect. It is truly a remarkable site and the sky was the bluest I have ever seen. To think that one man's idea developed into this beautiful monument. My first thought.was....How did this actually get created? It seems like a miracle and I never really thought about it before. Luckily there is a museum at the site and we all watched the video in the little theater there. The video explained the history and how the sculpture was made. It took 14 years to get the project completed but only 6 and one-half to actually do the carving. There was a lot of politics involved and fund raising to get it completed. What amazed us all as we watched the video was how they used dynamite to blast and shape the granite. Even when some of the faces were carved already they utilized dynamite to make the rest. Truly amazing stuff. The project began in 1927 and was completed in 1941. It cost just under one million dollars to create which was a lot of money at that time. Most of it came from the government. The orignial idea by Doane Robinson was to carve Sioux Chief Red Cloud or Lewis and Clark. When he contacted sculpturer Gotzon Borglum to actually create the monument, Borglum had his own lofty and creative ideas. He was very patriotic and felt that the men whose actions helped to create this great nation should be the ones carved into the mountain. He died a few month before the project was completed and his son took over until the project was completed. One thing I found real interesting was how Mt. Rushmore got it's name. Between 1884 and 1885, a young lawyer from New York named Charles Rushmore kept visiting the area on business and spent time with the locals. He really gained the respect of the locals and was fond of one particularly impressive granite mountain. One day he asked his guide "What is the name of that mountain?" His guide responded, " Never had any, but now-we'll call the damn thing "Rushmore." We also had great fun as we were leaving. Chaz's(Mr. Bumble) secret santa left him a note that he had to do Shoopoopi from Music Man at Mt. Rushmore to get a present. Well he put on quite a show and luckily I video taped it because Mikey joined in to do the "Shoopoopi dance." What a memory.....not many people can say they did the "Shoopoopi at Mt. Rushmore! Scroll down and look to the left to check out more photos. I also added more to facebook album under Oliver-Mt. Rushmore......Love ya, Sue and Mikey