Friday, November 28, 2008

Medieval Times, Dallas

We were a little tired on Sunday after going to Six Flags the day before so we had a lazy day in the room until dinner time. For dinner we went to Medieval Times with Colin and Missy. John and Q went to the Dallas Cowboys game. Medieval Times was really a lot of fun. The adults liked it was much as the kids. You enter this castle and take photos with the knights or princess. Your tour the gift shop and then go into the dinner theater. Mikey bought a knights shirt and wooden dagger. Maria picked a princess headband and she looked beautiful in it. It is a big arena with movie seat type chair but with a long counter in each row. We had dead center seats third row up. They were perfect. Each area is given a knight who wears a certain color to cheer for. We had the black and white knight but unfortunately, despite losing our voices cheering for him, he lost the first joust. We did not take it well. Okay, I tooked it the worst and when the other knight dared someone else to fight him I screamed "I'm Coming!" The waiter got a kick at of that. The knights are on horse back having jousting matches, sword fights, etc... Mikey turned to me and said "this is even better than six flags!" That was quite a statement since he loved six flags. The meal is served during the show in metal dishes with no forks. They try to make you feel like you are in the Middle Ages when people ate with there hands. We had half a chicken, baked potato, apple tart and ice tea. Okay....I an fibbing, the parents had beer! Perhaps that is why I shouted to the Prince at the end, " I love you Prince!" It was really fun cheering for your knight and waving your flag for him. We all had crowns on her heads and would wave our flags like crazy when our knight road by us on horseback. It was a perfect ending to our too brief vacation in Dallas. It was good for Mikey because he just studied the Middle Ages in Social Studies and for Dad becaue he is in the middle of reading Robin Hood. Maria and I just loved it!

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