Monday, October 20, 2008


It was a family weekend in Binghamton. Mikey's family and Colin's (Dodger) family came to see the show for the first time. Rhiannon (Nancy) got engaged to Brendon. There was happiness and love all around. Mikey and I were so happy that Maria, Dad, Aunt Eileen and Reilly Ann Charles were with us this weekend. Maria hugged me for 10 minutes straight and I loved every minute of it. Aunt Eileen gave Mikey his first bunch of flowers since doing this show. Maria loved her new dress and dolls that Mikey bought for her. Reilly's Mom sent cookies and they were a big hit. They couldn't have disappeared more quickly if a magician did a trick. On the first night the families all got together in Colin's Aunt Cee Cee's room. It was nice meeting everyone. Maria had a great time playing with Q and Colin. Mikey and Reilly were in a world of their own and acting like two peas in a pod. On Sunday the kids had two shows. Reilly loved seeing the dressing room and even got to see "Mike Check" before the show started. The kids seemed to know they had a special audience and really performed their hearts out. After the matinee, Colin's Dad, Steve arranged a nice dinner for the families at an Italian restaurant near by. Quentin and John our adopted road family of course joined us. The boys had to be back early for the second show, so John graciously took them back so Missy and I could spend more time with our families. Reilly and Mikey got a little choked up saying goodbye....but that was no real surprise with these two. Reilly requested that if we go on Tour in the future please look for girl roles for her as well. She asked if she could hide on the bus and travel with us for a week. I was tempted to say yes but I figured her sister Devon would be upset. She is really sweet and Mikey is lucky to have such a good friend. Maria and Mikey hugged each other tightly and Mikey's tears started to flow. He got through it knowing he would be home in seven days for a break. Maria was a trooper but made me promise to do puzzles with her when we came home. I told her to mark the calendar every day so she knows when 7 days is. She told Mikey he did a good job as "Charlie." She really enjoyed the show although we thought she would fall asleep in the first act because her cough kept her up the night before in the hotel room. She seemed to perk up when she heard the song "That's Your Funeral." She loves that song for some reason. She was able to keep awake until just before the murder of Nancy, thank goodness she fell asleep before that. It was hard saying goodbye to my handsome husband and darling little girl and I can't wait to see them next week. Mike plans to drive us to New London Ct to extend our break. Hope some of the other family members can make the trip and see the show. This is the closest we will be to home. Now we are back on the bus and heading for a stopover in Richmond VA. We are traveling to South Carolina and the next show is Wednesday. Before I sign off, there is a rumor as we leave Binghamton that a tree is missing and that this city will never be the same since Cee Cee and friends had a night on the town! My only regret is that I could not join them! That is all for now............


Unknown said...

Hi Sue:

I love reading your blog!! I thought you would be home today but Eleanor gave me the news that it will be next week. We miss you guys here and hope to see you when you get back. Please give me a call( even though we would like to see Mikey too we will settle for you!!)

Olivertour08 said...

hahaha! I love the comment about the tree!!!!

river queen said...

I have to go back to Binghamton this weekend for hockey, and really not quite sure they will let me in! Nice meeting you all....have a blast and hopefully see ya in Syracuse!! Aunt Cici